Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Shells Poor Enviromental Issues

Since 1958 shell ahs actively been extracting oil and gas from Niger delta.  The projects have big consequences for the environment.  All over the world people start protesting. Shell remains silent.
The shell company in Niger Delta has been criticised for the oil spills for many years. Oil spills are a common event in Nigeria and occur due to a number of causes, including: decay of pipelines and tankers (accounting for 50% of all spills). 

The environmental Causes-
Vegetation in the Niger River Delta consists of extensive mangrove forests, brackish swamp forests, and rainforests. The large expanses of mangrove forests. Human impact from poor land management upstream coupled with the constant pollution of petroleum has caused five to ten percent of these mangrove forests to disappear. Petroleum has wiped out large areas of vegetation. When spills occur close to the drainage basin, the hydrologic force of both the river and tides force spilled petroleum to move up into areas of vegetation.

The Local Reaction-
The local are sick of this happening. The locals have started protesting. The locals suffer from pollution and some of them revolt.  The Nigerian government is not impressed. It takes though measures. One of the locals is being sentenced to death.  Worldwide, the debate erupts.

Shell’s response-
Shell is unable to defend itself. It focuses completely on its defense when being held responsible for environmental pollution. Because of what has happened over the past years shell has donated enormous amounts of money to the locals. This way they want to help the country develop itself.  


There are many tpyes of Pollution some of them being : air polltuin, factory pollution, water polluiton, land pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution and many more. Pollution is taking over the world, it is very bad and it unforntuite that the world has so much pollution.
The effects of polluiton-
There are many effects through out the pollution topic some of them being-
air pollution effects-
  • Reduced lung functioning

  • Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat

  • Asthma attacks

  • Cancer

  • Premature death
    There are many more.
    Water Pollution-
    Waterborne diseases caused by polluted drinking water:
    • Typhoid
    • Amoebiasis
    • Giardiasis
    • Ascariasis
    Pollution effects not just human life it also effects the animal life as well.

  • Wednesday, 24 August 2011

    Marine Pollution

    Marine Pollution
    Marine Pollution is also known as water pollution. Marine pollution includes a range of threats including from land-based sources, oil spills, and untreated sewage.
    The causes of marine pollution are:
     1. Humans on land
    • Rubbish dropped in the street
    Washes into drains and
    Streams and ends up in the
    • Factory waste flows into the
    • People leave rubbish on the
    2. Humans on the ocean
    • Rubbish from boats, e.g.
    kitchen waste, discarded or
    accidentally lost fishing nets
    and floats.

    Solid waste like bags, foam, and other items dumped into the oceans from land or by ships at sea are frequently consumed, with often fatal effects, by marine mammals, fish, and birds that mistake it for food. Discarded fishing nets drift for years, ensnaring fish and mammals.
    The marine pollution usually occurs in the ocean, lakes and streams.

    What you can do!
    1. Respect drains & don’t litter.
    Remember that stormwater drains
    flow straight to waterways. Don’t
    throw rubbish in the street or gutter
    because it might end up in the ocean
    or on the beach.

    2. Create less rubbish in the First place.
     Don’t buy products that
    are ‘over packaged’. Re-use your
    plastic shopping bags or take cloth
    bags to the shops or market.

    3. Tell your friends and family
    about the dangers of rubbish to
    marine animals. Encourage them to
    do the right thing with their rubbish.

    The Marine pollution is just not hurting the people it’s hurting the animals as well so all of this marine pollution needs to stop.
      URL: "Marine Pollution -- National Geographic." The Ocean -- National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2011. <>.